One of the worst offenses to a dwarven man is to shave his beard, as it is considered a deadly insult not only to the individual, but also to his ancestors and family. Dwarves of Golarion – PathfinderWikiĭragons Unleashedp. DeAnna rated it really liked it Mar 07, Most males grow facial hair at an alarming rate, and as such almost all dwarves keep a beard, with the o of the Ouat caste of Osirion. The dwarves of Golarion are a humanoid race of dour warriors and craftspeople. Most males grow facial hair at an alarming rate, and as such almost all dwarves keep a beard, with the exception of the Ouat caste darves Osirion. Males tend to be quite noticeably broader, though not as much taller comparatively, and they have slab-like torsos and heavy eyebrows.

It literally translates as the “ritual of toil”, although younger dwarves have begun to refer to it as kangreddin, or “wall-making”.īrenna rated it liked it Apr 19, Thanks for telling us about the problem. There is dramatic sexual dimorphism in dwarven physiology. Torag’s teachings still guide most of dwarven culture and thought, as they believe he will abandon them should they ever fall slack in their duties.
Pathfinder Companion: Dwarves of Golarion by James Jacobs,, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. They excel at jobs other races find tedious, but also have a great love of. Axe and Hammer!Born ages ago in lightless caverns, the dwarves surged upward in pursuit of a divine prophecy, driving the feral orcs before.